Dominique Gerrard
Director & Acting Teacher
Malka The Barrier Kirrie Wratten Park Theatre
Various Errors of Comedy Sketch Show John Barron Etcetera Theatre
Puck A Midsummer Night's Dream Owen Lewis Roar Theatre
Agnes Dancing at Lughnasa Scott Williams The Impulse Company
Rowena Euler's Circles Lavinia Hollands Brockley Jack Theatre
Alex Dogs Barking Gary Reid Questors Studio
Molly The Womens' War Laura Dunton Clarke Finborough Theatre
Charlotte Yellowing Anna Ledwich Theatre 503
Velma I Can Get It For You Wholesale Mehmet Ergen Arcola
Woman London Falls Ed Hime Rosemary Branch
Various Grimms II Alistair Watson Rose and Crown
Native RP
Standard Scots
Standard Irish
Standard US
New York
Eastern European
Salts Nuts Girl Charlie & the Chocolate Factory Tim Burton Warner Bros
Amy Crumbs Toby Halsey TVU Film
Catherine The Petersen Affair Sarah Burbedge BBC South Today
Jessica Blood & Guts in High School Lee Musson B & G Films
Lucy Girlfriend No 4 Christopher Pledger Pledger Films
Rehearsed Readings / Workshops
CRB Enhanced Disclosure
Singing (Alto)
Basic Yoga
Various Green Ink Beth Pitts Grange Studio Theatre
Malka The Barrier Kirrie Wratten The Actors' Centre
Beatrice Much Ado About Nothing Chris Chambers RSC Open Stages Showcase
Christina Beyond Flesh and Blood Kirrie Wratten The Courtyard
Jo Killing Brando Anna Ledwich Theatre 503
Emily Idle Women Andrew Ashmore Warwick Canal
Margaret Hughes This Secret Place Andrew Ashmore Cabinet War Rooms
Mary The Living Nativity Andrew Ashmore London Zoo
Businesswoman Beyond Broadcast Now Gregory Thompson BBC
Patient NHS Training Video Stephanie Fade NHS